
What I’d Tell My 15-Year-Old Self At 25


5 pieces of advice that apply to any age

*Published in Write To Inspire

I already have a bunch of advice for my younger self, as I believe most of us do. At 25, you are not the wisest, for sure, but you have experienced enough to know better than when you were a teenager.

I am curious how this advice would change in the future, or if the list will just get longer. Truth be told, I am still working sometimes to listen to my own advice.

Anyway, here are my 5 pieces of advice for my younger self, that I believe can apply to any age:

1. Stop worrying about what others think (including your family)

How I was perceived by others was really important for me, even more, important than how I’d perceive myself. Once you understand you have no control over what others image and think, you will be free. No matter what are you doing or how many explanations you offer, they are still not obliged to think what would like them to. Learn to value your opinion about yourself, to fulfill your expectations, and how to hold yourself accountable. That is when you will start to be more confident and less interested in what others have to say (listening to helpful, objective feedback with an open mind is important, but most of the time people just project a subjective opinion that won’t help you grow, learn the difference).

2. Put money aside

I am sure you’ve read this a lot. And here is again, start to save money as early as possible. Financial education is still missing or really poor in most of the schools or at home, and while I encourage you to start following and reading about how to manage your money, one simple thing that you can do is to have a savings account. I know this is different for everyone and depends on the parents too if you are a teenager, but there are ways to do it. If you don’t have a bank account where to transfer money, try the old-school piggy bank until you can put the money into an account. Don’t think about how much you are saving, just built this habit as early as possible, then later on in life learn how to invest them.

3. Dare more

Go to that trip, party, ask that person out, do that project, go to that class. Experiment a lot. Every time something scares you, do it. 

4. Express yourself as you see fit

From the clothes you enjoy wearing to the activities you like doing, don’t hide your true self. I know this one is quite difficult, especially when you don’t know yourself so well. So get to know yourself, spend time alone, see what sparks something in you. Fashion, art, style, food, all these are a matter of personal preferences, there are no wrong or right answers. Let us see the real you.

5. Stop being too nice

Being polite, friendly, and open to meet new people are all must-have traits. But do not do or say something just to be nice. You can speak your mind without being rude. You can say no. Likewise, you don’t need to please everyone, I’ve just told you they will still believe whatever they want. Your purpose in life, it’s not to be seen as a nice person.

These being said, I am really curious what else you would tell your younger self. Please share in the comments! 

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